Moms Share Thoughts Of The Things They Wish They Knew Before Baby's Arrival

By Betty Bassett

With a baby there's the newness of caring for a tiny human, breastfeeding, identity and body struggles, baby blues or postpartum depression, hormonal crashes, managing your relationship with your partner, grappling with going back to work, creating boundaries with friends and family – and unfortunately, all the while occasionally sleep-deprived. 

How do we know beforehand the challenges of motherhood? Wisdom is gained only in retrospect. Had we known then what we know now things might have gone a little smoother.

How can anyone truly adequately prepare for a new baby? This is something we all stress over in different ways, and though our experiences may hold similarities, the path of parenting is something as unique as we are.

Hearing the voices of others who’ve taken the journey before, hearing their wisdom can make the path easier to tread.

Birth and recovery:
“The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.” Suzie M.

 “There is no force equal to that of a determined woman.” – Desiree S.

 “In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to beautiful possibilities within ourselves.” – Merry C.

Why we need the support of others:
"I wish I had known how isolating it can be when you don't have a "village" of people who are there for you when you need them to be! Put as many supportive people as you can in your immediate vicinity, including friends and relatives. You and your kid will have feelings of love and safety, and you won't have the same sense of isolation while you go through this." – Nannette M. 

"Your most valuable parenting skill is learning to manage yourself first." – Samantha I.

 "Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering." – Marissa L.

"Joining a mom's group has turned out to be the activity that has helped me the most. Being a new mother can be isolating, and even though you know there must be other mothers somewhere out there going through the same things as you, it's still nice to actually meet them and have a tribe, even if they start out as complete strangers." – Marie G.

"A mother's heart is the child’s school-room." – Eleanor H.

“It gets easier. Surround yourself with other breastfeeding mothers; their experience and encouragement are priceless.” – Kelly M.

 “Breastfeeding is a gift that lasts a lifetime.” – Serena O.

The important things:
"There are places in your heart you never even know exist until you love a child." – Casie T. 

“Pictures and videos…remember to take lots of pictures and videos.” – Melinda A.

"Having a baby feels like that first fifth-grade crush. It overwhelms every molecule in your body." – Emma T.

Dealing with the bad days:
“Every single day is easier than the day before.” – Holly B. 

"Being a mom has made me so tired. And also so happy at the same time." – Beatrice U.
"I like to think of motherhood as a great big adventure. You set off on a journey, you don’t really know how to navigate, and you don’t have an idea where you’re going or exactly how to get there. You just know that in the end, it will all be worth it." – Tammy Q.

Making time for self-care:
 “You are worth the quieter moments. You are worth the deeper breaths and you are worth the time it takes for you to slow down, and be still, and rest.” – Raisa D.

 “Self care gives you what it takes to give the world the best of you instead of what's left of you.” – Nancy V.

 “You owe yourself the love that you so often freely give to other people.” – Mary H

 “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” – Catherine Z.

“You, as much as anybody in the whole entire universe, also deserve your own love." Fran M.

All the emotions:
"Babies are more trouble than you thought. And also more wonderful."– Luna T.

"A baby fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty." – Lenora G.
"Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but instead, what you gained by having one." – Sophia I.
"Having children just puts the whole world into perspective. It seems as if everything else just disappears." – Patricia E.

All that parenting advice:
"I wish there was a book because you’re always going to wonder if you’re doing things wrong, but that’s what it means to be a mom, to care so much about your baby that you just want to be as perfect as possible. – Tiara B.

" A new baby is like the beginning of all things — hope, wonder, possibilities." – Henrietta L.


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